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Box Spring vs Foundation: Which Is Better For A Hybrid Mattress

When purchasing a new mattress, it's important that you select the correct support structure to enjoy all the benefits of the mattress. If you don't do the research, you could be not only ruining the quality of your sleep, you might void the warranty of your mattress!

Understanding Bed Bases

A bed base or foundation is what your mattress sits on. It could be the floor, a box spring, a bed frame, adjustable base, foundation, bunky board, or platform. The bed base needs to provide your mattress the support it needs so that it's comfortable and provides the pressure relief you need.

Box Springs

A box spring is self-explanatory, it's a box with springs in them. Invented somewhere between 1871-1900, box springs went sold with or as an add-on for inner spring mattresses.  They offered additional height and could be placed in bed frames or to raise the bed off the floor. They have been used over the past 100 years, however the popularity has dwindled and they are now uncommon.

When purchasing a hybrid mattress, we do not recommend using a box spring. Most hybrid beds, including our own hybrid mattress require a solid or hard surface, such as a foundation, bunky board, platform, or adjustable base.


Foundations come in all different shapes and sizes, but a foundation is simply something that supports a mattress (a base).  

  • Box Foundations
    Look like box springs, but made with metal grid/slats or wood slats.
    Box Foundation Weave Sleep

  • Platform Foundations
    Platform foundations are typically "bed frames" that have slats or are solid wood.
    Wooden Platform Foundations Hybrid Mattress

  • Metal/Steel Grid Foundation
    Metal grid foundations are a cost effective way to raise and support  mattress. It's a grid of metal wires and usually collapsible.

    Steel Grid Foundation for Mattresses

  • Adjustable Bed Base Foundations
    A foundation that lets you adjust the head and/or feet of the mattress to help alleviate pressure or simply adjustable positioning.

    Adjustable Bed Frame for Mattresses

Best Bed Bases For Foam or Hybrid Mattresses

There are a variety of different bases for you to purchase, the important thing is to follow our checklist below.

4-Rule Check List

  1. A foundation is not needed but can be used if an increased mattress height is desired
  2. Slat foundations are great, just make sure slats are 3-5" apart ideally. If you're foundation are spread too far apart, take a trip to Home Depot/Lowes and add some more.
  3. Placing your mattress on a platform is acceptable. It provides a solid, supportive surface. That's the main goal.
  4. Foundation should not sag or be unsupported. If it does, fix or replace.

Foundation Type

Placing your Mattress on the Floor

If you are following the rules we mentioned above, then yes -- the floor is perfectly suited for a mattress. We recommend keeping the mattress off the floor, but whatever you do choose, make sure it provides solid support for the entire mattress.

Need a new mattress? Check out the GoodVibeSleep hybrid mattress!


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