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7 Dimensions of Wellness

Many people associate wellness as only being mental and physical wellbeing. While those are indeed important parts of wellness, there are 7 dimensions of wellness that make up overall wellness. Below we highlight the different sections.

The 7 Dimensions of Wellness

  1. Physical Wellness
  2. Emotional/Mental Wellness
  3. Intellectual Wellness
  4. Occupational Wellness
  5. Social Wellness
  6. Spiritual Wellness
  7. Environmental Wellness

1. Physical Dimension

Physical wellness is about taking care of our bodies so they can function efficiently and age more gracefully. It is a combination of healthy behaviors including: getting enough exercise, good nutrition, and staying away from excessive habits such as drug-use or alcohol abuse. Some examples of how you can improve your physical wellness:

  • Practice healthy sleeping habits, getting the right mattress
  • Take a walk everyday, getting fresh air and exercise
  • Ride a bike instead of driving your car 
  • Reduce the consumption of fast food and processed goods
  • Drink water more often (in lieu of soda or sugary drinks)
  • Go hiking, running, mountain biking
  • Quick 5-15 minute exercise breaks at work (push ups, yoga, etc)
  • Take the stairs instead of an elevator
  • Get a standing desk at work

2. Emotional Dimension

Also known as mental wellness, emotional wellness is our own understanding and acceptance of ourselves and the ability to successfully cope and deal with life challenges. It's the ability to identify why your feeling a certain way; such as acknowledging and channeling anger, frustration, fear, sadness, hope stress, love, happiness, etc.

To achieve the highest level of emotional wellness, it's important to create a space where you feel safe and comfortable expressing how you feel. To help you become more emotionally well, we recommend:

  • Take some time off from work, parenting, and deal with your thoughts and emotions
  • Cultivate an optimistic attitude
  • Take up meditation
  • Seek or provide support
  • Take a vacation/staycation, relax, unwind
  • Practice mindfulness
  • Accept and forgive yourself

3. Intellectual Dimension

Intellectual wellness is about keeping your mind stimulated. It's the ability to open ourselves up to new ideas, experiences, and to continue learning in knowledge and skills. People who have a high level of intellectual wellness are always learning and have an active mind. Keeping up to date on current events, joining improvement groups, and participating in activities are also great ways to arouse our minds.

  • Read a book, even it's a a little bit every day 
  • Learn a new language
  • Seek our groups of people who intellectually challenge you
  • Take a new course or workshop
  • Learn a new skill, trade, or hobby

4. Occupational Dimension

Occupational wellness involves using your gifts, talents, and skills in order to find your purpose, which can lead to happiness and life enrichment. It's also about the attitude you have about your work. "Do what you love and love what you do" - Ray Bradbury. Whatever career you choose, it's important to maintain a positive attitude. Here are some ways to improve your Occupational Wellness.

  • Explore a variety of career options
  • Create goals and a vision of your ideal future career
  • Select a career that matches your talents, interests, and personality
  • Adjust and adapt to changes and learning new skills
  • Own what you can, let go of what you can't influence

5. Social Dimension

Social wellness is the ability to connect and relate with other people in our community, such as at home, at work, and even in our neighborhoods. By building and maintaining healthy relationships with people, they can add value and purpose to our lives. Learn better communication skills, create a support network of friends and family, and develop intimacy with others.

  • Contribute to your community and participate in events
  • Cultivate healthy relationships at work and in your neighborhood
  • Share your talents and skills with friend and family
  • Communicate your thoughts, feelings, ideas

6. Spiritual Dimension

Spiritual wellness is having a set of guiding principles, beliefs, or values that give direction to our lives. Seek meaning and purpose in human existence, to question everything and appreciate the beautiful things that cannot be understood or explained.

  • Create a set of guiding principles to live by
  • Listen to your heart, live by your principles
  • Be curious and inquisitive
  • Take up meditation, spend time alone,
  • Explore your spiritual core 
  • Be fully present
  • See opportunities for growth in the challenges that life brings
  • Be open-minded

7. Environmental Dimension

Environmental wellness is being aware of your immediate surroundings, of nature, and the environment. It consists of maintaining a way of life that is at  harmony with the earth and practicing thoughtfulness about your impact. Here are some tips to improve your Environmental Wellness:

  • Minimize your junk mail (get on a do not solicit list with your post office)
  • Conserver water and other resource when possible
  • Minimize chemical uses
  • Reduce, reuse, and recycle
  • Renew your relationship with the earth


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